Lockheed Martin Corporation

Insider Transactions

Date Filer Title Filing Type Shares Traded Price Total Held
Feb 01, 2010
Senior VP & General Counsel
Senior VP & General Counsel Form 4 Other acquisition or disposition -- -- 368
Feb 01, 2010
Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President Form 4 Other acquisition or disposition -- -- 514
Feb 01, 2010
Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President Form 4 Other acquisition or disposition -- -- 2,651
Feb 01, 2010
Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President Form 4 Other acquisition or disposition -- -- 6,633
Feb 01, 2010
Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President Form 4 Other acquisition or disposition -- -- 392
Feb 01, 2010
Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President Form 4 Other acquisition or disposition -- -- 2,368
Feb 01, 2010
President & COO
President & COO Form 4 Other acquisition or disposition -- -- 1,414
Feb 01, 2010
President & COO
President & COO Form 4 Other acquisition or disposition -- -- 16,152
Feb 01, 2010
Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President Form 4 Other acquisition or disposition -- -- 1,023
Feb 01, 2010
Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President Form 4 Other acquisition or disposition -- -- 7,829

* Represents the number of non-derivative securities directly held. (I) Indicates that some (or all) of these shares are held indirectly.

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